Unfiltered Masterminds Program

Unfiltered Masterminds Program

Welcome to Unfiltered

                                  A six month journey to an unfiltered, uncensored and unapologetic lifestyle. 

Set yourself up for inevitable success:

Block your calendar NOW- 2 hours every week for the next six months. I recommend to choose same day, same time, every week.

That being said, stay flexible and allow life to happen for you.

Join the Unfiltered group.

Let’s go!

Fearless Transformation

Fearless Transformation

Welcome to Fearless Transformation

A Six Month Course of Personal  Expansion.

I’m so excited that you are here!

This is a six month journey of deep inner work and I want to acknowledge your commitment to show up for it. Congratulations!

Set yourself up for inevitable success:

  • Block your calendar NOW
  • Block – 2 hours every week for the next six months.
  • I recommend to choose same day, same time, every week.

That being said, stay flexible and allow life to happen for you.

The structure:

  • Each month we are focusing on one big subject
  • Each 1st week: training and self awareness work.
  • Each 2nd week: applicability and self discovery work.
  • Each 3rd week: q&a, training and support.
  • Each 4th week: review, recap and integration.
  • Each training is accompanied by a workbook that includes prompts to create a personalized experience for you.

Final notes:

  • The videos are released weekly to give you space for assimilation and implementation.
  • No video on the forth week of the month to give you space for practice and integration.
  • For best results you are encouraged to complete each assignments and implement what you learn. 

Join the Fearless Transformation group.

Let’s begin!

Spark Your Transformation

Spark Your Transformation

Welcome to Spark Your Transformation

A 12 week Course to Build your Authentic Business

You are here! Congratulations!

You are about to embark on a three month journey of eternal transformation. I’m so excited for you!


The lessons in this course are going wide and deep:

  • Shift the mindset around: boundaries, productivity, money, leadership
  • Bring all the fears and learn how to deal with them once for all
  • Identify the limiting beliefs that hold you back from success
    Upgrade parts of your business so you can move forward
  • Learn how to be and trust yourself as a successful entrepreneur
  • Step into your leadership power and change the world

The videos are released weekly to give you space for implementation and integration.
You are expected to complete the weekly assignments and implement what you learn.Â